Supporting all our Morse Athletes

Supporting all our Morse Athletes


Morse High School All-Sports Boosters Club


Article 1 Organization Name

The name of this organization shall be Morse High School All-Sports Boosters Club.

Article 2 Purpose

Section 1. To promote students cooperation and community awareness in all athletics associated with Morse High School.

Section 2. To recognize worthy accomplishments of participants in all athletic events.

Section 3. To generate financial support within the community for all sanctioned sports teams at Morse High School.

Section 4. The club shall have all rights, privileges and obligations given to it by the laws of the State of Maine.

Article 3 Membership

Section 1. General membership is open to all persons wishing to promote athletics at Morse High School.

Section 2. Voting members are comprised of:

a. Elected officers
b. Athletic Director only in the event where a tie-breaking vote needs to be cast or to make a quorum.

Section 3. The Executive Board consists of the Elected Officers and Athletic Director.

Article 4 Officers

Section 1. The officers of this club shall consist of a President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers will be elected at the May Meeting. (see Article 7)

Section 2. In the event an officer cannot fulfill his/her duties the remaining officers may appoint someone from the general membership. This will take place at executive session.

Article 5 Duties of Officers and Athletic Director

Section 1. The President:

a. Shall call, set the agenda for, and preside at all meetings of the club.
b. Shall notify the general membership of monthly meetings at least one (1) week prior to meeting date.
c. Shall call special meetings when necessary.
d. Shall be responsible for checking the USPS and Morse mailboxes weekly.
e. Shall have the authority to pay bills in addition to the Treasurer.
f. Shall have the authority to sign in the name of the club.
g. Shall appoint such chairpersons as deemed necessary.
h. Shall have the authority to make non-budgeted expenditures of up to $500 with the concurrence of two other officers.
i. Shall be the public representative for the Boosters. If unavailable, shall designate another officer.
j. Shall be the liaison between the Athletic Director and Boosters.
k. Shall share in the responsibilities for opening and closing of concessions.

Section 2. The 1st Vice-President:

a. Shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the President.
b. May assume the position of the President if a vacancy occurs.
c. Shall organize concessions’ schedule, supplies, and be the liaison between the Boosters Club and team coaches/volunteers for concession purposes.
d. Shall have the authority to pay bills in addition to the Treasurer.
e. Shall share in the responsibilities for opening and closing of concessions.

Section 3. The 2nd Vice-President:

a. Shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the President and 1st Vice-President.
b. May assume the position of the 1st Vice-President if a vacancy occurs.
c. Shall be the liaison between the Boosters and Teams for fundraising efforts.
d. Shall be the apparel coordinator and shall consult the President prior to order submissions.
e. Shall share in the responsibilities for opening and closing of concessions.

Section 4. The Secretary:

a. Shall keep a written record of all meetings and send that record to officers within one week of each meeting for review.
b. Shall present the prior month’s record at monthly meetings.
c. Shall maintain a record of attendance at meetings and involvement with functions as needed.
d. Shall carry on all correspondence, except billing, dealing with the affairs of the organization e.g. thank you notes, solicitations, etc.
e. Shall maintain the Morse High School All-Sports Boosters Blog.
f. Shall share in the responsibilities for opening and closing of concessions.

Section 5. The Treasurer:

a. Shall collect all money due the organization.
b. Shall keep a record of receipts and expenditures.
c. Shall handle all payments and billing with approval of two other officers on Payment Request forms.
d. Shall present a written financial report of the club at monthly meetings.
e. Shall present a year-ending report at the Annual Meeting.
f. Shall present the financial records for audit once each year prior to Annual Meeting in June.
g. Shall file appropriate IRS paperwork.
h. Shall share in the responsibilities for opening and closing of concessions.

Section 6. Athletic Director:

a. Shall be the Coaches Liaison.
b. Shall submit an annual budget for the following school year at the Annual Meeting in June.
c. Shall prioritize a list of requests made to the Boosters.
d. Shall present all requests to the President at least three (3) days prior to monthly meetings in order to be included on the agenda.

Article 7 Election of Officers

Section 1. There is no term limit for elected officers; however, nominations and an election will occur each year.

Section 2. The nomination committee shall be appointed by the President at the April meeting. The committee shall be comprised of the Athletic Director, a parent, and a coach.

Section 3. The nomination committee will present a proposed slate of officers at the May meeting.

Section 4. Election of Officers shall take place at the May meeting.

Section 5. Elections shall be by ballot and shall be determined by a majority of the voting members.

Section 6. The transition to new officers shall take place at the Annual meeting in June.

Article 8 Meetings

Section 1. Regular monthly meetings will be held during the school year.

Section 2. In-season coaches are expected to attend at least one monthly meeting in order to give a Coaches Report as well as be in attendance for discussion on requests for funding. If a coach cannot attend in person due to a prior commitment, we request a Coaches Report be submitted to the Athletic Director to be read at the meeting.

Section 3. The President shall set the agenda for monthly meetings.

Section 4. Monthly agendas shall include:

a. Attendance
b. Call to Order
c. Secretary Report
d. Treasurer Report
e. 1st VP Report
f. 2nd VP Report
g. Old Business
h. Committee Updates
i. New Business
j. AD Report
k. Coaches Reports
l. Adjourn

Section 5. Agenda item requests must be submitted to the President at least five (5) days prior to the monthly meeting.

Section 6. The President may call an Executive Session with the Executive Board as needed.

Section 7. The Annual Meeting will coincide with the June meeting.

a. The Athletic Director will present the annual budget for the following year.
b. The Treasurer will present the year-ending report.
c. The transition to new officers will take place.

Article 9 Amendments

Section 1. Amendments may be proposed by Elected Officers, the Athletic Director, or the general membership at monthly meetings.

Section 2. Amendments shall be presented at one meeting and voted on at the next meeting.

Section 3. Adoption of amendments requires a majority approval of present voting members.

Article 10 Funds

Section 1. Funds Utilization

a. All Morse High School sponsored sports are eligible to receive funds from this Boosters Club. In addition, to support these school sponsored sports, money may be expended for the purpose of providing motivational support items or recognition as deemed appropriate by the Boosters Club.
b. While all valid requests for funding will be considered, it is the Boosters Club philosophy to refrain from funding coaches stipends and high cost individual awards to be retained by the players, such as team jackets, etc.
c. Funds for school-sponsored sports teams below the high school level may be eligible for approval. Requests must first be made to the middle level Athletic Director who may then submit the request to the Morse High School Athletic Director. Requests must be accompanied by a fundraising effort on the part of the requesting group. The Morse Athletic Director will then submit the request to the Boosters Club. Requests will be subject to vote by the voting members.
d. Funds will be allocated for operating costs of concessions including items such as: food, drink, snacks, equipment, cleansers, paper goods, and apparel.

Section 2. Budgets

a. Requests for funding from the Boosters Club shall normally be tendered in the form of an itemized budget request.
b. Budgets and/or individual line items may be approved, rejected, or deferred as necessary to fulfill the Club’s purpose within available and/or projected funding. The Booster Club’s officers may meet in executive session to review each budget. Following review, each budget shall be presented to the club with a recommendation for vote.
c. Funds must be used for the purpose approved. Requests for changes to budgets may be approved; however, by a vote of the voting members, providing the changes do not exceed the original budget.
d. The Morse High School Athletic Director and the head coach for each sport may request up to $200 for Professionals Development costs for himself/herself and his/her coaching staff. Coaches must submit a pamphlet, or the like, with details to the Athletic Director prior to registration. Details should include: the nature of the clinic/conference, location, date, and costs of registration. Costs may also include travel and lodging if not approved by RSU 1 but must be accompanied by receipts. The Athletic Director will submit all professional development requests to the Boosters Club. The Boosters Club prefers to make payment directly to the venue; however, proof of payment, along with receipt(s), must accompany all reimbursement requests.

Section 3. Teams

a. Teams may request funds for Pre-season Strength and Conditioning training. Training details and costs must accompany such requests. The Boosters Club may approve half the cost of said training up to $250.
b. Each in-season sport is required to fundraise. Teams must communicate their fundraising intentions to the Athletic Director and 2nd Vice President. Any Morse team fundraising effort must turn over all to the Boosters Club within two weeks of the end of season. Any Boosters money used as start up must be returned within two days of the event.
c. High-cost, item-specific fundraising must be brought to the Athletic Director first and then brought to a monthly meeting for discussion and a vote. If approved, those fundraising monies will be turned over to Morse Boosters and earmarked for that purpose.
d. Coach requests must be in writing to the Athletic Director at least one (1) week prior to a monthly meeting. The Athletic will present these requests to the President at least three (3) days prior to the monthly meeting in order to be added to the agenda.

Section 4. Individuals

a. Individual student athletes and sports will be eligible for funds from the Boosters Club for MPA- sanctioned events. Detailed requests must be submitted by the Varsity Coach to the Athletic Director and will be subject to a vote by the voting members.

Section 5. Other

a. The Boosters Club reserves the right to consider funding for Non MPA-Sanctioned activities provided:

i. The organization has provided two (2) year club Sport status to establish credibility as well as having purchased equipment having demonstrated interest and support, and having an established insurance carrier and a governing body, such as a Board of Directors.
ii. The players consist primarily of Morse High School students.
iii. The sport is not currently offered as an extracurricular activity at Morse High School.
iv. The organization belongs to an established league and plays in the accepted season.
v. The organization adheres to all Morse High School guidelines for eligibility, attendance, athletic requirements, and student athletic contrasts.
vi. The Boosters Club Executive Board has previewed the organization’s proposed budget.

Article 11 - Special Committees

Section 1. The President may designate special committees from time to time. Special Committees shall not exceed one (1) year in duration.

Article 12 General Provisions

Section 1. Morse Boosters shall in no way attempt to interfere with the policy making powers of the School Administration, the operations of the Athletic Department, or duties and responsibilities of the coaching staff.

Section 2. Quorum: A quorum shall be two-thirds of the voting members.

Section 3. In the event of dissolution of the club, the remaining funds will be paid to the Morse High School Athletic Department for use as determined by the Athletic Director.

Section 4. The operation of the club shall be governed first by the Bylaws and Articles of the club, so long as they are not superseded by the State Statue or by Robert’s Rules of Order.

Section 5. Awards:

a. Morse Boosters shall provide two (2) Boosters awards for each sport to be presented at each season’s culminating awards ceremony.
b. Morse Boosters awards shall be chosen by coaches and approved by the Athletic Director.
c. KVAC Championship Awards: A team picture plaque shall be displayed at Morse High School.
d. State Championship Awards: To be determined upon season’s end.
e. If a team wins both KVAC and State Championships, the Booster award shall be combined into one award.
f. Banners: Morse Boosters will provide for the costs of league and state championship banners which will be on display in the Bath Middle School gym or at Morse High School.

Approved: May 9, 2017

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